
#1 Welcome to my blog

My name is Inyoung. I was born in Korea and I moved to Canada when I was a teenager. With an aunt as an artist, I was exposed to art at an early age. I was always fascinated by art. I have been involved in art throughout my school life through volunteering at different art institutions and museums. I graduated with Honours B.A. In art history from University of Toronto. 
A year ago, while I was strolling through the galleries in Yorkville, something unusual caught my attention. That's where I met Camal Pirbhai, who was preparing a show. That's where this adventure began.

Camal is an artist. I had met artists, studied them and read about them. I know that every artist is unique but I've never imagined what an "artist" actually meant until I began working alongside one.

My ultimate goal is to become a curator - a curator mediates the public to accept the elusiveness of the artists.
With this blog, I want to document my weekly observations of the inside workings of an artist's world.

Your comments, suggestions, questions to my observation are encouraged. Thanks!

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